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Important CSMS message from CBP regarding eBond.
eSTB (CSMS #15-000113)
It has come to CBP’s attention that there is confusion around the proper usage of electronic Single Transaction Bonds (STBs) in the eBond environment when used to secure CargoRelease. Electronic STB submitted through eBond for purposes of securing Cargo Release (ActivityType 1 bonds) should only be used when filing ACE Cargo Release. This includes ACE Entry SummaryCertified for ACE Cargo Release. If Cargo Release is filed in ACS, use of electronic STBs in eBondis NOT allowed, including ACE Entry Summaries Certified for ACS Cargo Release. Processing for thesecircumstances should take place according to current procedures used at the ports. Filers shouldwork with their surety to determine what type of STB is appropriate for their filing situation.
If a STB is submitted to eBond for a circumstance where a paper STB is required, the electronic STBshould be voided and a bond should be issued for that transaction in accordance with the currentprocedures used at the ports.
ISF (CSMS #15-000012)
CBP is advising the trade that there are no longer requirements to email a copy of the SingleTransaction Bond (STB) to as long as the STB is filed via eBond. Please note nobonding requirements were changed only the fact that a copy of the bond no longer needs to beemailed to CBP for those STBs filed through eBond. If you have any questions regarding this messageplease contact your assigned Client Representative.